Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The More Things Change


Changes … If there is only one constant in the universe it would be change. Work changes, relationships change, people change. What follows is a rambling waffle that may or may not have anything to do with anything or may have something to do with nothing or may have nothing to do with something.

On Thanksgiving day 1987 I saw one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen in my life. I looked into the eyes of my brand new baby daughter. As I write this, Hannah is now a young woman just turned 18 and with her life just waiting before her. A national honor scholar who is listed in Who’s Who Among American High School Students she scares the life out of the boys at her high school (and she’s maybe 5’2” tall on a tall day) which might in my opinion be a greater achievement. To say that I am immensely proud of my daughter would be one of the great understatements of all time. The downside to it is that a year from now she’ll be gone, off at college starting her own life and no longer where I can keep a surreptitious eye on her and keep her safe. That part is hard for a dad, and my wife gets teary every time the subject comes up.

Changes …

On Christmas eve my oldest son turned 17. During the week between Christmas and New Years he traveled to the nearest Military Entrance Processing Center for his physical, and to complete his paperwork. He intends to go to basic training for the Army this summer, come back and finish his senior year of high school, then go to a military college in Alabama. His chosen job in the Army is combat operations. He wants to lead a combat unit. I love my son dearly and have the greatest of respect for anyone who is willing to put their life at risk to protect the rest of us back here at home. The men that he will one day lead are very fortunate in having the commander that I know he will become. As a dad I am immensely proud of his willingness to put himself at risk. As a dad I really hope that I don’t have to pick my son up in a bag and bury him.

Changes …

On the Monday before Thanksgiving my boss called me to tell me that they were closing our office in the town where I live and that they didn’t have another slot for me. Great timing there buddy. On Wednesday of that same week I got a call with an offer for a new contract. So here I am several hundred miles away from home working on a project that if we can get it out of its pre-birth dangers will provide a lot of good for our customer, and in the process I’m making a lot of money. The downside, I’m several hundred miles from home and living out of a hotel for part of each week. The upside, I’m several hundred miles from home and living out of a hotel for part of each week so with every minute I’m away I’m reminded of how special and wonderful my beautiful wife and magnificent children are, how truly blessed I am, how incredibly fortunate I am in my life.

Changes …

The more things change the more we grow the more we grow the better we become as people. Sometimes we need changes to remind us of how lucky we are. My hope for each of you with the coming year is that the changes that will come to your life this year will help you grow.

Happy New Year …